White Vinegar in A Dog’s Water – Best Use Cases

Vinegar is one of the essential items in your kitchen that always comes in handy in your cooking and non-cooking ventures, especially cleaning. You may wonder, what will happen if I use white vinegar in my dog’s water? Is it safe to clean my pooch’s fur with the “vinegared” water?

No doubt, there are many products out in the market that can do the same job, but they contain hazardous chemicals. They might be good for some time but aren’t exactly healthy for long-term use. So, you won’t mind a safer replacement that comes at a far less price. But to be exact, can white vinegar be that safe option if you dilute it with water and apply it to your furball’s skin?

A short and quick answer is yes – it can be a safe option. You can use the solution and get some fantastic results, but you need to practice caution. So, in this guide, we’ll be talking about using white vinegar in dog water and how beneficial or harmful it can be. You will also know whether your fur buddy can drink it or not. So, read till the end to learn it all!

Can I Use White Vinegar in My Dog’s Water?

Yes, you can use white vinegar in your dog’s water. In fact, it has produced great results for many pet parents. For instance, it tremendously helps in maintaining healthier skin and fur and even helps to get rid of the skunk smell. It always remains an excellent alternative to other hazardous chemical solutions. However, ensure your dog doesn’t ingest any amount of the solution as it may cause stomach upsets and some other gastrointestinal problems. To be on the safe side, you should use the solution for bathing or cleaning purposes only.

It is important not to confuse white vinegar with apple cider vinegar because white vinegar in dog water is used for cleaning purposes only. On the other hand, apple cider vinegar is edible and has some health benefits if used in a small amount. However, your dog’s age, breed, and other physical factors matter. And most importantly, you need to test beforehand whether your dog is allergic to vinegar or not.

So, you can definitely use white vinegar in the dog water, and it should be used externally only. Don’t let your pooch taste or smell it because if ingested, it can cause some health issues. After each use, make sure to waste the solution properly or keep it out of the reach of your furball.

What Does White Vinegar in Dog’s Water Do?

White vinegar benefits your dog in various ways if you add it to your dog’s water. As it’ll help in cleaning his ears, keeping fleas and ticks away, removing foul odors, treating itchy paws, and much more. You can also use it for controlling and restraining them from going to vulnerable places like your flower garden. However, the main benefits lie in their health improvements.

Like human beings, your buddy can not clean their ears by themselves. And many pet parents can ignore this fact easily if they are not following a comprehensive care routine. But it’s really dangerous as harmful bacteria grow in the dirty ears and can cause health issues. With a 50/50 mixture of vinegar with water, it’s all a breeze. You can use the same mixture to get rid of fleas and ticks. For easier application, use it through a spray bottle. The same goes for the stinking problem. Mix one part of white vinegar in two parts of water and bath your dog in it. Don’t worry about the light pungent smell because the vinegar’s odor will fade away once it dries off.

White vinegar can help with itchy paws as well. Mix equal amounts of water and vinegar, apply it to the affected paws and let it dry by itself. So, white vinegar can solve many of your furball’s problems. However, if your home remedies don’t work out, contact your veterinarian immediately instead of waiting for the condition to get severe.

Can Dogs Drink Water with White Vinegar in It?

Well, the answer is yes and no. Vinegar may be safe for humans to consume, but dogs’ digestive system works differently. Although your pooch may survive a small dose of vinegar in water, you can’t really add it to his daily diet. If your buddy consumes more than the safe amount, it can cause severe health issues such as upsetting the intestinal and digestive systems. On the other hand, before using it for your dog, ensure that he is not allergic to white vinegar.

Although white vinegar should be used as a cleaning product only and placed far away from the canine’s reach, in rare cases, you can feed it with water to your pooch. The crucial factor to consider is that the intake should be really minute, so it doesn’t hurt him. If your dog is not reacting well and showing signs of gastrointestinal upset, stop the dose and let your vet know the whole situation.

Dogs suffering from kidney diseases already have pH imbalances in their bodies, and drinking white vinegar can further aggravate the situation. So, giving it to an ill canine is a big NO. In any case, you can ask your vet for recommendations and discuss whether it is safe to provide a small amount.


So, white vinegar in dog water is safe to use for cleaning purposes only or if applied externally. But if the pooch intakes some amount, there may be consequences that differ from dog to dog. You can give your canine some amount of it, but it is always best to contact your veterinarian first and ask for his recommendations. Now you know how you can use white vinegar in your dog’s water, your furball should remain safe. But remember, if any of your methods don’t work, never hesitate to contact your vet.


  • Brad

    Hi I'm Brad, the founder of bulldogpapa.com. Having been a vet of 6 years I work alongside our team to provide valuable insight into your dog's health. I have a frenchie myself named Senzu who is my pride and joy!