Welcome to BullDogPapa.com!
My Name is Brad, and I started this website a little while after I got my french bulldog puppy Senzu. I got Senzu when I was going through a rough life patch. I had lost a loved one and started to struggle with severe bouts of depression. I had no idea how to really get out of it, but the second I got Senzu, things completely turned around for me.
I had no idea how wonderful a dog could actually be and how much I could possibly love such a tiny little animal. I would do anything for Senzu. He helped me so much in my time of need, so I felt it was only right to make sure Senzu had the best possible life he could have.

Because of this and my 6 years as experience as a vet, I found myself talking to family and friends about various things dogs could eat, what to do if a dog gets in a dangerous situation, what the best product for said type of dog is, etc. One day, I must have driven my friend insane because he told me, “you love talking about dogs so much and giving advice, why not start a website or something and try and help others there?” So I did!
This site started with just me, but it has grown into such a massive passion project of mine over the years that I have slowly incorporated others into the mix to help spread their knowledge to other dog owners who might have several specific questions they need answers to.
My team has included a couple of vets, veterinary clinic students, and others who have a natural passion for anything dog.
We hope you find the website helpful, and we hope to help others as much as possible with everyone’s doggy-related questions!
Thanks for stopping by and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at: [email protected]
You can also connect with Brad on LinkedIn here!
– The BullDogPapa Team