You’ve been excited recently as your dog is expecting some newcomers into this world, and everything seemed to be going pretty great, but then you noticed that your pregnant dog’s color is black. It may be not so threatening for a regular dog, but the situation becomes critical when it comes to a dog who’s been expecting. So, is the reason your pregnant dog is having black poop normal, or is it something alarming?
The condition is nowhere near normal because for it to occur, there needs to be a significant amount of bleeding in the stomach or small intestine. There would be black blood in the poop, which indicates a problem in the upper digestive tract after the body has already tried to digest this blood but failed to do so. This is a sign of abnormalities in the functioning of vital body organs.
The causes of this condition can vary in different dogs. So, how do you know when it will happen, what are its causes, and what you should do, we will cover everything in this comprehensive guide. As you will learn what you should do if you face such a situation, let’s dive into the details quickly!

What Causes Black Poop in Pregnant Dogs?
There are a number of things that can cause black poop in pregnant dogs. These include an injury in the dog’s digestive system, some medical reactions, gastric tumors, ingested blood, activated charcoal, and trauma. However, the most acute causes include gastrointestinal ulceration, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, and cancer.
Internal injury is a prevalent cause of black poop because it can cause internal bleeding in dogs, as dogs will eat almost anything from a ballpen to even a screw. Also, if the dog is treated with some infectious agents, these agents can cause internal bleeding leading up to this chronic problem. If gastric tumors are present, they can also bleed into the gastrointestinal tract leading up to this same condition. Hence, melena – a state in which dark feces pass due to undigested blood from internal bleeding – can also happen. The activated charcoal prescribed by the vet in order to prevent toxin ingestion can also turn the color of your dog’s poop to black for some time, and even more, interestingly, an acute trauma that the dog may have can also lead to internal bleeding.
Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome (AHDS) is a severe condition characterized by increased packed cell volume levels causing vomiting and bloody diarrhea in the affected pet; however, some dogs may also experience painful abdomen, decreased appetite, lethargy, or fatigue when going through AHDS. Gastrointestinal ulceration is another cause of black poop in dogs and is characterized by a lack of appetite, weakness, and pain in their abdomen, which is commonly caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and neoplasia. Cancer is another cause of melena in dogs and is characterized by chronic vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and unexpected weight loss. However, the conditions described earlier are the most acute causes of this situation.
Should I Be Concerned if My Pregnant Dog Has Black Poop but Is Acting Normal?
Even if your dog is acting normal, you shouldn’t take their black poop lightly because it indicates unwanted changes in the digestive tract. This can be due to any particular reason, and this behavior from your dog is usually not normal in most conditions. It sure is concerning whether your pregnant dog is passing black stool or is pooping clear liquid due to any reason she is having.
The pet owner should be worried if such a thing is happening with their pet because poop can tell a lot about the health of a dog. As with humans, a healthy stomach is a guarantee of good health and vice versa. It is the same with animals because black poop can indicate that something is not right about that dog’s digestive tract. Even if the dog is acting normal, it should be taken seriously and diagnosed before it gets worse.
Therefore, it is important to understand the severity of the situation and act immediately as soon as you notice any change. Just like other medical conditions, early diagnosis can be beneficial in the further aggravation of this disease. A concern upfront by the pet owner can save him from disappointment later on.
What Should I Do if My Pregnant Dog Has Black Poop?
The first thing you should do is to get a complete clinical examination to assess the health status of your dog and the babies inside her. Secondly, if there is anything wrong, then provide the required treatment. Lastly, a blood test should be conducted to ascertain organ function and see if there are any signs of any disorder.
After the full clinical examination, the treatment can vary depending upon the diagnosis that the veterinarian may have obtained. If the condition is occurring because of something odd that the dog may have eaten, then it may require surgery in order to remove that particular thing. However, if an infection is caused by some previous medication that you are using against parasites or bacteria, then a thorough medication course can treat this infection.
If the blood test reveals that the situation is acute, e.g., hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal ulceration, or cancer, then there is a need for more tests. After the completion of tests and the diagnosis, only then can the vet provide the best available treatment for that disease. In the end, your vet can answer you the best what is the necessary procedure in the light of the diagnosis he made.
Black poop in pregnant dogs is a very chronic condition because it is a sign of the dog’s disturbing health, and in the case of melena, the chances of survival are very low for the dog or the baby (or both). It is necessary to keep a check on the color and texture of the dog’s poop, and in case of any abnormal changes, the parent of the respective pet should immediately review the dog’s diet and consult a vet. Consistently examining the poop when the dog is pregnant may not be very pleasant for you, but it can save you from big regrets if the condition worsens afterward.