You’ve been enjoying the company of your dog since you brought him home, but there is something unusual you’ve noticed wherever your canine friendlies or sits. Your dog is leaving brown spots on his bed and pillows. It is practically everywhere your dog takes a nap.
What is responsible for these brown spots my dog is leaving all over the house, you ask yourself? You are concerned about your dog’s health and want to make sure everything is okay with the dog. You are eager to find out why your dog is leaving all these brown spots in your home.
In this article, we are going to discuss what can cause your dog to leave brown spots in your home. In addition, we will discuss what you can do to help your dog stop producing these brown spots in your home. So moving into the discussion, what can cause your dog to leave brown spots on surfaces it lies on or takes a nap? Let’s see.

What Are the Brown Spots My Dog Leaves on The Bed
Dogs are wonderful animals, but sometimes they can be messy and smell foul. This can be noticed when they leak out foul-smelling fluid from any of their body orifices. Some of these fluids can leave behind a brown spot on surfaces. Some of the reasons a dog can leave a brown spot on surfaces it lies on are:
Bum Fluid Discharge
A dog has two sac bags in his anus which serves as a gland that secretes an oily brownish fluid. This fluid is normally secreted along with poop, but at times it might not be expressed due to changes at times in a dog’s poop or disorders in the gland itself. This sac may fill up and might start leaking, causing the dog to stain surfaces it takes a nap which appears as brown spots.
Bum Sac Disorder
At times the bum glands of a dog might not express themselves as normally as they should, and they might get filled up. This can lead to the dog scooting and licking its butt. It might produce stains of this fluid wherever it lies down, which appears brownish. Sometimes, the discharge can be smelly if there is infection.
A part of a dog’s body might become infected, and fluid can gather in such a part of the dog’s body. This fluid is often referred to as pus. This pus can leak and stain places where a dog lies down, which can appear brownish. This pus can also ooze out from a wound or an injured body part. The gum of a dog’s mouth can also be infected, which can lead to the dog drooling excessively and leaving some colored spots on where it is lying.
Urine leakages can occur in a dog when it loses voluntary control over urination. This can lead to urine leaking out of his bladder. These urine leakages can appear as brown spots on surfaces it lies upon.
Urine is majorly light yellow towards clear in color, but sometimes color variations can occur in urine due to changes in a dog’s health.
Pyoderma is the infection of the skin in a dog leading to the formation of pus in that area of the skin. Itching may be present. Signs of a Pyoderma infection in a dog include pain, odor, crusting, and secretion of blood and pus. This secretion can also produce brown spots on surfaces where a dog lies. It will be good if you inspect your dog’s skin for any signs of a pyoderma infection.
It is good we state at this point that the most likely reason your dog would be leaving brown spots in your home is due to a bum fluid discharge. These brown spots can be caused by other reasons like we stated above, but a bum fluid discharge is the most common reason why a dog leaves brown spots in the home. So we are going to focus specifically on what you can do to control your dog’s fluid discharge, which we, in turn, control the appearance of all these brown spots in your home.
How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Leaving Brown Spots on The Bed
We have seen different reasons that can cause a dog to leave brown spots on surfaces in your home. Now let’s see some things you can do to address these reasons so that your dog will stop producing these brown spots in your home. We will list some practical solutions to each of the problems we raised.
Bum Sac Disease
If your dog is producing bum discharge, scooting, or licking its butt, and you see swelling or redness in its anus region, it can signify your dog has a bum sac disease. This would require a full physical examination by a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis. You can give your dog a diet that is high in fiber; this can help your dog excrete firm feces, which can help the bum glands function normally. All these practical measures are towards helping your dog express the contents of its bum glands normally, which comes out with poop whenever they defecate.
In addition, something you can also do is to manually express the contents of the bum glands yourself if you notice your dog is leaking out this brownish discharge and can’t do it on its own. You will need some latex gloves and someone to hold the dog in place while you locate the glands in its anus. If you feel you can’t do this procedure safely at home, you should contact a veterinarian or a groomer who knows how to do this safely so that the bum glands can be safely expressed.
There could be several reasons for the formation of pus in a dog’s body part. It could be a physical trauma to that body part or maybe an infection in some part of the dog’s skin. A veterinarian will need to examine your dog to see what’s going on with your dog. He might perform some blood tests to see if there is more to this pus than just an injury. The intervention of a professional will help to treat any underlying cause that is making your dog produce these wet brown spots in your home.
If your dog is leaking out urine on its bed or another surface in your home, this can produce brown spots on its bed. If you have an old dog, it might be urinary incontinence in your dog. Take your incontinent dog to the veterinarian to see if anything can be done to remedy the situation. If it is a younger dog, let’s say between 6 months and a year, it might be a lack of housetraining. Maybe your pup has not mastered its potty skills. You can get some help from a professional trainer if you think you need help.
In this article, we have seen the most likely cause of brown spots that your dog leaves on its bed is a bum fluid discharge. Brown spots on surfaces in your home can also be caused by other factors such as a pus formation due to an injury in the dog’s body or an infection in the skin. It’s also possible your dog could be leaking urine.
It’s good you identify the root cause of these brown spots in your dog so you will know how best to deal with it. If you think it is a bum fluid discharge, it will be good if you take your dog to a veterinarian for proper inspection