Keeping your dog healthy and happy requires a lot of patience and attention to detail. You need to be alert enough to notice when your dog suddenly changes its behavior or is exhibiting signs of an infection. That’s why many long-term dog owners will notice something as small as whisker bumps and also something as big as their dog eating a cap.
So if you’ve recently noticed that your dog’s poop is cold, you’re neither weird nor an outlier. A lot of other dog owners have noticed this as well. And if you’re wondering if this condition is normal or requires treatment, you’ve come to the right place.
In this post, we’re going to address all your concerns. We are going to talk about what cold dog poop means, what causes it, whether it’s normal, and whether you can do anything about it. By the time we’re done, you won’t have to wonder about this condition again.
Why is my dog’s poop cold?
Your dog’s poop could be cold for a variety of reasons. The most common one is that you have left the poop out in the cold for some time, and it has taken the temperature of its environment. So before you conclude that your dog is producing colder poop than expected from dogs, ensure that you are picking their poop immediately after they deposit it. It’s also important to note that the poop of older dogs is a bit colder than that of young ones.
As such, always ensure you monitor your dog’s poop temperature over time. If it’s only getting a bit colder with age, your dog’s poop can’t technically be considered “cold.” Another thing you have to remember is that thick poop bags are more insulating than thin ones, a quality that can make you think your dog’s poop is colder than it is.
Whichever type of poop bag you use, though, your dog’s poop shouldn’t change much throughout their lives. If it does, it’s an indication of a greater gastrointestinal issue. On the other hand, short-term changes in your dog’s poop could be due to a change in its diet.
Is it normal for a dog’s poop to be cold right after they poop?
No, it’s not normal for your dog’s poop to be cold immediately when they deposit it. Usually, your dog’s poop should be the same temperature as their body temperature – 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Since this is just a little hotter than the normal human body temperature (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit), your dog’s poop should not feel cold to the touch.
While some dogs have a baseline temperature that’s a bit higher or lower, it should never be higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit or lower than 99 degrees Fahrenheit. If your dog’s temperature goes beyond these limits, you should take them to the vet. Interestingly, these temperature limits also apply to cats.
Whether you have a cat or a dog, though, high or low body temperatures usually come with symptoms like lethargy, shivering, disorientation, panting, and red gums. To figure out the exact temperature of your dog, though, you can use a digital or rectal thermometer. While the former is usually placed in your pet’s ear, the latter is placed in its rectum.
What does it mean if your dog’s poop is cold?
If your dog’s poop is cold right after they pass it, they could be infected with a virus. As such, it’s common for sick dogs to pass cold poops while also coughing, sneezing, and having diarrhea. Among dogs in postoperative care, cold stools could even indicate complications, particularly those of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sometimes, your dog can pass a stool that is not only cold but also long and skinny. This could indicate a colon tumor or polyp. Such growths block the path that your dog’s poop passes on its way out, making its passage harder.
This, in turn, makes your dog strain whenever they need to poop. You may even notice that your dog tilts to one side when pooping.
Ultimately, cold poops are only an indication of health issues when they are persistent and accompanied by other symptoms.
Can I do anything about my dog’s cold poop?
If you notice that your dog’s cold poop is caused by your dog passing stool in a cold environment, you could look for a warmer place for them to do this. On the other hand, if you suspect that your dog has caught a virus, has a tumor, or is developing postoperative complications, you’ll need to take them to the vet’s office. Before you do this, though, observe your dog see if they are drinking, eating, and socializing normally. Any sign of change could be a sign of illness.
Another thing you can do is check your dog’s temperature at home using a rectal thermometer. If it’s lower than 99 degrees Fahrenheit or higher than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, your suspicions are probably right, and you need to get your dog to the vet immediately. Once you are there, the vet can do some lab tests and perform a rectal examination. In some cases, they could even do an X-ray or ultrasound.
If the vet determines that your dog has a virus, they may prescribe some antiviral drugs and administer some fluids to combat dehydration. But if they find out that your dog has a tumor, they will most likely remove it surgically. Alternatively, they can opt for chemotherapy and anti-inflammatories only or combine them with surgery. Just keep in mind that if a dog gets surgery, it will immediately have to be monitored for complications.
Should I be concerned if my dog’s poop is cold?
While one cold poop from your dog isn’t anything to worry about, several ones can be, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms. As such, it’s always important to monitor your dog’s poop and general health for some time before deciding that it’s something to worry about. Ultimately, cold poop is rarely the major symptom of a health issue. In fact, most times, you have to worry about the other symptoms instead of the cold poop itself.
So apart from its temperature, ensure you pay attention to the color, consistency, content, and coating of your dog’s poop. Ideally, it should be brown and of medium consistency – neither too firm nor too soft. If your dog’s poop is white, it could mean that your pet’s diet isn’t balanced, they’re sick, or they are experiencing a side effect of a pharmaceutical they’re taking. On the other hand, green poop could indicate gallbladder issues, parasite infestations, or a diet with too much grass.
However, one of the most alarming dog’s poop colors is black – it means that your pet’s upper gastrointestinal tract is bleeding, and the blood has been digested. Another sign of internal bleeding is red streaks in your dog’s poop. So if you notice any of these signs, you need to take your pet to the vet immediately. You also need to keep an eye out for greasy gray poop – it can indicate a pancreatic problem or a diet that is too rich in fat.
Final thoughts
Ultimately, your noticing that your dog’s poop is cold once in a while isn’t anything to worry about. As long as they seem healthy and happy, it could be an occurrence attributed to cold environmental temperatures. So instead of obsessing over the temperature of your dog’s poop, look out for its content, consistency, color, and coating. And if you notice anything alarming, take your dog to the vet immediately – they will know what to do next.