My Dog Ate My Glasses! Help!

My dog ate my X. If veterinarians had a quarter for every time a dog parent said this, they’d be filthy rich. In today’s article, X marks your glasses.

Dogs are known for swallowing the craziest things. They eat memory foams, pens, socks, and any other object they can get their mouths on. We can choose to blame this on their predatory nature or their curiosity. Either way, this bad habit often gets them in precarious conditions, and this is why it is important to always keep an eye on your dog, especially if it is still a pup.

So, you’ve found yourself googling “Help! My dog ate my glasses.”. Our dogs sometimes take our emotions on rollercoaster rides, but we still love them. Read on to find out why your dog would do this and how you can navigate this situation.

What Happens if A Dog Eats a Pair of Glasses?

Many things could happen if your dog eats your glasses. For one, your dog could go about living life normally like everything is fine and dandy or, after a while, decide to throw up or poop out the glasses. However, in less lucky cases, the glass can end up injuring your pooch’s mouth or could get stuck in the intestines and lead to gastrointestinal obstruction.

Even if your dog is acting normal after swallowing glasses, he isn’t out of the woods yet. Keep an eye on your dog during this time and call your veterinarian if anything looks or feels off. Considering that the object swallowed is sharp, don’t be surprised if you see blood in your dog’s stool or vomit. The glass could have injured the gut wall and caused internal bleeding.

If your dog swallowed your glasses whole, the risks are higher. If you observe signs like excess salivation, gagging, purple gums, coughing, or pawing at the mouth, your dog could be choking. Get him to the emergency room, stat! Other things that could happen when your pooch swallows glasses include getting sick, lethargy, gastroenteritis, and abdominal pain.

Why Would a Dog Even Eat a Pair of Glasses?

Sincerely, no one knows why dogs do half the crazy things they do. It could be that your glasses looked fascinating, and your companion decided to give them a taste. It could also be that he was bored and decided that the most interesting thing he could do at that moment was chew something. Unfortunately, your glasses caught his attention.

Even though we always say that dogs are curious creatures, we must also realize that they are intelligent. Swallowing the wrong object usually happens to pups who cannot tell edible objects from inedible ones. It is unusual for your well-trained adult dog to swallow something as obviously inedible and dangerous as glasses. If your dog has a habit of swallowing random objects, you might be dealing with a condition known as pica.

If you have a habit of forgetting when to feed your dog (which you shouldn’t), it could be that the little guy was just hungry. Remember that dogs cannot fend for themselves and are the responsibility of their humans. If you are sure that your pet is getting enough food, you might want to consult your vet about possible mineral deficiencies. Although swallowing a foreign item like glasses might only cause momentary discomfort, it can also be fatal, so be alert.

What Should I Do if My Dog Ate My Glasses?

If you are sure that your dog devoured your glasses, the first thing you should do is speak to your veterinarian or take your pet to the vet clinic. If you believe that your pet is choking, perform the Heimlich maneuver on him and remove whatever pieces of the glasses are left in his throat. Do not try to induce vomiting on your own, as this can cause more harm than good. If your dog seems to be doing fine, keep tabs on his behavior, stool, and any other symptoms.

Depending on your dog’s size and the size of the glasses your dog feasted on, you could end up packing up chunks of glass in poop or wheeling your pet in for surgery. If your fur friend swallows your glasses or any other foreign object, reach out to the vet. The doctor will probably take your dog in for an examination and give the right treatment advice.  During treatment, look out for signs like abdominal pain, bloody stools, throwing up, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc, and call on your vet if things don’t look good.

If it’s going to take a while to get to your vet, you could try feeding your dog with soft foods that will cushion the glass in the gut. These include cooked rice, canned pumpkin, white bread dipped in little oil, and mashed potatoes. These can help the glass move through the gut easily and prevent digestive tract cuts. Note that this feeding hack works mainly for small canine breeds, so if your dog is on the heavier side, it might not work.


If your dog ate your glasses, it’s best to go to the veterinary clinic for help. I can assure you that your dog isn’t the first dog to swallow glasses, and he’s definitely not going to be the last. Keep calm and follow the instructed treatment procedures, and all will be well.


  • Brad

    Hi I'm Brad, the founder of Having been a vet of 6 years I work alongside our team to provide valuable insight into your dog's health. I have a frenchie myself named Senzu who is my pride and joy!