Truth be told, there are few pets as cute as puppies – their small faces are to die for, and the love they give you is unconditional. However, raising a puppy is not always easy – it requires a lot of time and patience. In many ways, it’s quite similar to raising a child. So when you notice something off with your puppy, it’s natural to worry.
And one common point of concern among puppy owners is around peeing and pooping habits. This is particularly an issue if you’ve been potty training your furry friend for a while. There are some things you just come to expect from them. For instance, you may expect them to pee or poop just before going to bed, just to ensure that they don’t soil themselves as they sleep.
But while this is a fairly realistic expectation, your puppy may not be up to it. So is it a bad thing if your puppy won’t poop or pee before bed? Are there ways you can get them to do so? Well, we’re going to answer these and other related questions in this post.

Why won’t my puppy poop or pee before bed?
The most probable reason why your puppy won’t poop or pee before bed is that you simply haven’t trained them to do so. As such, they may not see the need to. This is particularly common among dogs who deep sleep early in the evening and are awake by later at night or early in the morning to go pee or poop. Ultimately, it’s up to you to create structure around your pup’s potty habits.
When you first bring your puppy home, you can start with separating their living quarters and pooping/peeing station. Make sure they know which is which, even if it means getting a crate. Since dogs aren’t comfortable sleeping and eating where they poop/pee, they will try to regulate their potty habits to keep their space clean. This way, if you do find your dog’s bed wet, it will unlikely be urine – they would rather dash to their peeing station.Â
Another thing you need to remember is to take your puppy outside several times a day to poop, pee, or even just walk around. After all, puppies can’t hold their pee for as long as adult dogs. And forcing them to do so can make the potty training process much harder. Generally, you should give your puppy a bathroom break after the number of hours corresponding to their age in months.
Does a puppy need to poop or pee before bed?
Yes, puppies need to poop or pee before bed. This is particularly important because they are yet to gain full control of their bladder/bowel muscles and therefore need to pee/poop severally throughout the night. So when they go potty just before going to bed, it reduces the number of times they’ll need to wake up during the night. It can even reduce the chances of wet incidents.
However, most of your puppy’s nighttime potty breaks should be for peeing rather than pooping. If you notice that they poop more than they pee, though, it could be a sign that they have accidentally taken some laxatives, especially if they are experiencing diarrhea. So always store your laxatives away from your puppy, even if they were prescribed by a vet.
And in case of pee or poop-related messes, consider using the Roco & Roxie poop and pee stain remover. This product works on all types of surfaces and gets rid of any odor associated with the stain. Beyond that, it is free of chlorine and all other hazardous chemicals, making it safe for use around children and pets.Â
How do I get my puppy to poop before bed?
The first thing you need to do is prevent your puppy from falling asleep early in the evening. This defeats the point of all the potty training you’re doing. Beyond that, you’ll need to stop feeding your puppy at least 2 hours before the set bedtime. More importantly, you’ll need to take your puppy outside for a potty break before bed.
Generally, your puppy’s bedtime should be the same as yours. This keeps you from having to wake up to the sounds of a dog running around and even pooping in the house because they were awake and trapped in the house without supervision. Also, synchronizing your puppy’s bedtime with yours makes it easier to build a nighttime routine. And for best results, this routine should start as early as 5 PM.
Beyond this time, you should avoid giving your dog treats. Instead, ensure they exercise as much as possible so that they get tired and have a good night’s sleep. Then before bedtime, you can take them out for a walk so that they can poop. All the movement during the day will make it easier for them to do so and quickly fall asleep afterward.
How do I get my puppy to pee before bed?
The key to getting your puppy to pee before bed is limiting its intake of water and other drinks. Ideally, you should stop giving your puppy water/drinks at least two hours before bed. This increases the chances that they will eject it all as pee before bedtime.
It also keeps them from having to wake up too many times to pee throughout the night. Another thing you need to do is to take them outside to their peeing spot before getting them settled for bed. This doesn’t mean they won’t need to wake up at night to pee, though. You will still need to have at least one alarm to wake you up at night to take your puppy out to pee, especially if it’s a newborn.
However, tools like the TAOAT washable artificial grass puppy training pad can make potty training your dog easier. Such mats look like natural grass and can easily drain, making them perfect for dogs to pee on. Moreover, you can easily clean them with soapy water and hang them out to dry when necessary.Â
When should I take my puppy out to poop or pee before bed?
Ideally, you should take your puppy out to pee or poop just before bedtime, no more than an hour before, to be exact. To ensure that it becomes ingrained in you and your dog’s nighttime routine, try to do it at the same time every night. Before the set time, you can follow a few rituals that will send the signal to your dog that bedtime is approaching.
First of all, you can take a shower, do your nighttime skincare routine, and turn off the TV and all the lights. It’s best to do all this while your puppy is relaxing on its bed or crate, looking at you.
Then once you’re done, you can take them to poop or pee before they doze off. Just remember to take a dog poop waste bag with you. It’s just what you need to ensure your puppy doesn’t make a mess of your neighborhood’s grass. Beyond that, these bags are usually strong, durable, and leak-free, allowing you to pick up your dog’s poop without the fear of tears and hand smears.
Parting Shot
When you first get a puppy, it’s going to take some time before you can get them completely housetrained. Some experts even recommend taking one or two weeks off of work so that you can concentrate on this. So if your new puppy won’t poop or pee before bed, don’t worry about it – it’s natural. With some time and patience, you can surely get them adjusted to this new exciting life of theirs!