Your English bulldog has an amazing look with his healthy skin and coat. But English Bulldogs are vulnerable to having English bulldog bald spots on back. This condition is Bulldog flank alopecia seasonal baldness, which is otherwise known as Bulldog seasonal baldness. Not only English Bulldogs suffer this but also French bulldogs and American Bulldogs. This condition is triggered by reduced sunlight due to changing seasons. The reduced sunlight exposure can have an impact on the hair follicles of your English Bulldog. It might slow or stop the hair growth of your Bulldog. The seasonal changes cause an impact on the matted and prolactin hormone production. It can also be triggered by follicular hormone receptors located in the flank area of your Bulldog.
Top 8 Reasons of Bald Spots on English Bulldogs
There are numerous causes why Bulldogs have bald spots. Although many of these reasons are harmless, others are a cause of concern. It is crucial to understand what is causing balding in Bulldogs to know the proper treatment. Several common causes of balding Bulldogs are the following:
Cushing’s Disease
Bald spots on dogs may be a result of hyperadrenocorticism, otherwise known as Cushing’s disease. It is a condition caused by an overproduction of the cortisol hormone. Treatment such as medication and surgery is utilized to heal Cushing’s disease, also known as Cushing’s syndrome.
Cushing’s disease typically occurs in dogs 6 years or older. Symptoms of these conditions include eating, drinking, and urinating more. Your dog might also pant and develop a potbellied appearance. It is crucial to bring your dog to a vet if you notice them exhibiting any of these signs.
Pressure Sores
Dogs in their senior years who are overweight are prone to developing pressure sores. These sores develop on the elbows and other bony parts of the body that contact hard surfaces. As time passes, the continuous pressure tends to make the skin thick, form calluses, and the hair falls out.
In case calluses crack, bleed, or get infected, a good treatment are moisturizers, antibiotics, or utilizing bracing. You can mitigate pressure sores and calluses by providing a comfortable cushioning for your pooch to lie on.
Rashes and hives
Several things may cause dogs to develop rashes and hives, such as insect bites, medications, as well as chemicals. All these can result in bald spots.
Allergic rashes usually occur within minutes to hours after exposure. Other symptoms such as listlessness, fever, reduced appetite, and vomiting may happen as well. Always consult with your vet at once if your dog has hives since emergency treatment must be given.
Some breeds are more prone to baldness than others. The bald spots occur on areas such as the outer ear, belly, thighs, and lower neck. These vulnerable breeds include Greyhounds, Whippets, Chihuahuas, and Italian greyhounds. The bald spots might occur after the first year.
Allergies are one of the top causes why a majority of Bulldogs suffer bald spots. Many allergies are hereditary and passed down genetically through their ancestors. If you are thinking of purchasing a Bulldog, it is crucial to examine its pedigree.
Review the health history of its family so you will know what to expect. Purchase from a reputable breeder that raises Bulldogs with optimum health.
Your Bulldog might still suffer allergies regardless if their parents are allergy-free. Allergies can result in dry, itchy skin. Irritated skin can lead Bulldogs to scratch at the infected areas constantly. This chewing and scratching may tear the fur out, leaving the skin raw.
Allergic reactions may also result from flea bites, food, pollen as well as soap and shampoo. Diagnosing allergic reactions can be challenging but necessary for the health of your bulldog. Once an allergic reaction occurs, it is crucial to observe your Bulldog’s daily habits and note them down. Some signs to watch for are the following:
- Foods of your Bulldog
- Areas where your Bulldog rest
- Everything your Bulldog comes in contact with
You may find that when your Bulldog eats certain kinds of foods or comes in contact with certain things such as soap, a reaction flares up. It is crucial to apply changes to your Bulldog’s situation or utilize a different soap. If the allergic reactions persist, you must consult with your vet for a treatment plan.
Seasonal flank baldness
Another typical cause of bald spots on your Bulldog is seasonal alopecia. Seasonal alopecia results from mitigated exposure to sunlight of your Bulldog. If your Bulldog is not getting enough crucial vitamin D, hair follicles might slow down or go dormant. Exposure to sunlight can provide your Bulldog’s hair follicles essential vitamins to grow healthily.
This condition can occur in areas where there is not enough sunlight, such as winter climates. Your Bulldog is cooped up all day. This condition also occurs if you do not have physical activity with your Bulldog outdoors. Although Bulldogs love being indoors, they still need to have activities outside regularly.
Mite Infestation
Mite infestation, otherwise known as demodectic mange, can also result in bald spots on your Bulldog. These mites are wedged in the hair follicles of your dog when the immune system is still not fully developed during puppyhood. Demodex canis mites might also live and multiply on your dog with a compromised immune system. But not to worry, when your Bulldog’s immune system develops and matures, it becomes more capable of fighting off mite infestation.
Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia
Hair follicular dysplasia is an extremely rare disorder that is passed down from a dog’s parents. As early as puppyhood, these dogs might already exhibit symptoms of balding at the black areas of the hair.
Bulldogs, similar to other breeds, are at high risk of this condition. From its name, you can tell that only back hairs fall out of the Bulldog’s coat. But the rest will stay on. The changes you will witness on the coat of your dog are permanent. Fortunately, it is not life-threatening.
Other Causes of Bald Spots in Dogs
Reaction to foreign bodies
Stuff such as grass, thorns, and even the dog’s coarse hair can result in inflammation and bald spots if they get wedged on your dog’s skin. The hair loss site might also have swelling causing the dog to lick infected areas constantly. Intervention is lancing under local or general anesthesia to eliminate the irritant. Antibiotics may also be given if there is a bacterial infection.
For some dog breeds, especially breeds with dense coats such as the Alaskan malamute and Siberian Husky, clipping procedures in preparation for surgery can result in persistent bald spots. It is a fairly typical condition, and there is no known treatment for post-clipping alopecia. You only have to wait it out until the hair grows back.
When it comes to hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland does not make optimal amounts of a hormone called thyroxine. This hormone controls metabolism. The result can have an impact on your dog’s coat and cause hair loss. This condition affects every breed, but it is commonly found in Golden Retrievers, Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, as well as Cocker spaniels. It typically occurs in middle-aged dogs who are 4 to 10 years. Males and females who have either been neutered or spayed also have an increased risk, but it is a mystery to vets why this condition occurs.
Symptoms of Bulldog Bald Spots
Allergies can result in dry and dry and itchy skin. Once your bulldog gets infected, you might observe that they are incessantly scratching and biting infected areas. Other symptoms from allergic reactions aside from itching and hairless are the following:
- Swelling of the body
- Red eyes and skin
- Difficulty breathing and wheezing
When it comes to seasonal alopecia, you will notice spots on your dog’s hair where there seems to be symmetrical baldness. Aside from this, you will notice redness as well as scales and lesions on the skin.
Demodex mange has symptoms such as red skin, hair loss near the eyes, muzzle, and head. You might also observe red and crusty skin on infected areas where there is hair loss.
One of the symptoms of black hair follicular dysplasia is alopecia. Other symptoms include dry and scaly skin as well as abnormal hair growth. Your dog might also have skin infections and a dull-colored coat. It can lead to serious skin conditions such as darkening of the skin, odor, and crusts.
If any of these symptoms occur along with your Bulldog’s balding hair, you should consult with a vet at once for a treatment plan.
Popular Treatments for Bulldog Bald Spots
You should know the cause of bald spots. Identify the symptoms of bald spots. It is crucial to treat these bald areas, so your Bulldog can be healthy and fit again to show off its beautiful appearance.
If a specific treatment is required, it is best to consult with your vet. A vet can diagnose and recommend a treatment plan that can heal and cure the bald spot. It is crucial to follow the prescription of the vet and follow through.
As a responsible dog owner, you must follow the exact steps and recommendations to heal your dog properly. In doing so, your dog will have a fast recovery from these bald spots. If you find that the treatment is not effective over a period, it is crucial to consult with your vet again. Your vet will evaluate the situation and provide additional guidance so you can find a potent cure.
Medications are available, but you also have to change the lifestyle and habits of your dog. You may need to examine where your bulldog plays, what it eats, as well as its grooming. By applying simple changes, it can result in mitigating situations that can result in allergic reactions.
Alopecia treatments can be as simple as providing your Bulldog more exposure to sunlight. It is especially crucial during cold winters. It is recommended that you walk your dog outdoors for at least 15 minutes a day. Make sure to stick to this routine since your Bulldog also needs exercise for its health. Exposure to sunlight also helps maintain a beautiful coat and fur.
During cold seasons, it is crucial to provide clothing for your Bulldog. Take your Bulldog out for a walk and expose them to sunlight. Exposure to sunlight can impact hair growth and stop hair follicles from becoming completely dormant.
Medication helps treat localized demodectic mange. For serious conditions, you may need to apply a specific shampoo as well as a medicated bath for your dog. A vet will usually combine the shampoos and dips with an oral medication to completely cleanse and flush out mite infestations that are thriving in your pet’s hair.
Dogs suffering from black hair follicular dysplasia must be treated with supplements that are rich in fatty acids, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. It is crucial to clean affected areas to stop the worsening of infections. Symptoms such as dry skin can be healed with medicated shampoos.
Expert Advice on Caring for English Bulldogs With Bald Spots
The condition of bulldog flank alopecia is a cosmetic skin condition that is not typically traced to a medical problem. Because of this, experts do not advice therapeutic action. But for Bulldog owners who want to treat this condition, it is suggested that you expose your dog to a light source. It should be similar to the light utilized by humans with a seasonal mood disorder. If you find the bald spot condition to be compelling, you can give a melatonin supplement. It has zero side effects. In most cases, it is recommended to ignore the problem since the hair will grow back and improve with the changing seasons.
Seasonal changes do not always cause bald spots in Bulldogs. Some Bulldogs might be bald indefinitely, no matter the season and exposure to light. In some cases, Bulldogs will only have partial hair regrowth. After seasonal baldness and the hair regrows, it tends to have a hyperpigmented black or dark color. It might also have an irregular appearance. The patterns occur in both flanks with similar appearances.
Final Thoughts
Your English bulldog has a smooth and lovely coat. However, this breed is vulnerable to having bald spots. An English bulldog who suffer bald spots due to an underlying medical condition such as allergies and hyperthyroidism must get immediate treatment from a vet. However, if you find that the bald spots are merely a cosmetic issue, you may choose to ignore them. You can apply changes to your dog’s diet and lifestyle, such as getting them more exposure to sunlight to improve their well-being, health and possibly mitigate the occurrence of bald spots.