Top 6 Reasons Your Dog Might Be Panting and Licking

You may have observed your furry friend tends to pant whenever you play fetch or tug of war or do a new exciting activity. Many dogs are likely to pant naturally, especially whenever they are overheated, excited, or hyperactive. When a dog is overheated or performing intense exercise, panting enables them to cool off the excessive heat. Dogs typically breathe around ten to forty times per minute, according to their size, and some breeds, such as Boston terriers, bulldogs, and pugs, are more likely than others to breathe more heavily.

Like most other everyday activities, dogs frequently feel the urge to groom themselves. As a matter of fact, they really like licking and grooming themselves. Whenever they smell food, many dogs lick their lips and often drool. You’ve undoubtedly seen your dog licking his lips and fawning over his favorite treats.

But is it normal for them to do it obsessively all day? Does any of this indicate your dog may be ill? In this article, we’ll go into great depth on whether your dog’s excessive panting and licking is healthy, what can be the cause, and what you can do to put a stop to it.

Why Might My Dog Be Panting and Licking?

Heavy panting might be an indication that your pet is chronically ill, has undergone a traumatic event, or is extremely overheated. There are several reasons why dogs could pant excessively, including:

Heatstroke or intoxication

Following some heavy exercises, a dog may begin to breathe more deeply or pant. However, excessive panting could be an indication of heatstroke or that your dog has ingested something poisonous. Heatstroke might be the reason why your dog is drooling and licking excessively, resists getting up and moving, appears panicked, has a fast heart rate, or unexpectedly collapses.

Chronic disease

Dogs that have respiratory issues, heart problems, or Cushing’s syndrome may pant or breathe heavily. Dogs are prone to cardiac failure, just as humans, and may experience several similar side effects, such as coughing, breathing problems, and a decreased stamina for exercise. Depending on what triggered the heart disease, your dog’s treatment will vary.


Eclampsia, commonly known as milk fever, may cause loud breathing or prolonged, severe panting. Eclampsia, a serious illness that impacts breastfeeding moms, causes tremors, difficulty in standing or getting up, and insufficient calcium in their bloodstream. In addition, allergies, illness, or inflammation inside the nostrils may cause dogs to breathe loudly.

Pain and Injury

Excessive panting is an indicator that your dog has been wounded, and some other indications of distress or trauma among dogs involve nibbling or licking around the area of injury. However, your dog may be suffering from an internal injury, such as being struck by an automobile. In addition, licking could indicate that your dog accidentally ingested something or experienced a minor stroke.


This situation needs urgent professional treatment. It most frequently affects big, deep-chested canines. Bloat might be the reason for your pet drooling, panting, chewing at his sides, restlessness, nausea, and stomach ache, particularly since he just had his meal an hour ago.

Anxiety or Fear

If your dog suddenly starts panting in the middle of the night, or if he drools, yawns, or starts licking his lips without any significant physical explanation like overheating, exertion, thirst, or the availability of food, it indicates that your dog is anxious or scared. Many people believe that certain habits indicate different purposes. But, studies and medical experts suggest that these may all be symptoms of anxiety and panic, specifically when several symptoms appear simultaneously.

Should I Be Concerned if My Dog Is Panting and Licking?

Before concluding anything, you should monitor your dog if you see anything unusual or if it behaves differently than normal. A prompt approach can save your dog’s life if you fear it is suffering from heatstroke. Try taking your pet indoors or into a cooler area, then giving him a cold bath or applying cold cloths to his neck, head, and chest. You may also offer your pet ice chips or cool water.

Identifying the reason why your dog is breathing heavily is never simple, and serious problems might display the same symptoms as minor ones. You might try counting your pet’s breaths per minute and comparing them to their regular breathing. You must contact your veterinarian if your dog’s panting is more abnormal than it usually is, happens at weird hours, seems noisier or heavier than normal, or is showing difficulty in breathing.

Do not wait to seek medical attention if you believe your dog might be experiencing extreme discomfort or he may have a serious medical condition. Your vet will examine your dog’s current condition and let you know what the source is and what treatment could help resolve their health matter.

What Should I Do if My Dog Is Licking and Panting?

After monitoring your pet for a while, you should take him to the vet for a brief inspection to learn more about his health. Any unexpected medical emergency issue that can arise requires that you be constantly prepared. Always try to recognize signs quickly and get assistance to keep your dog healthy.

If you live in a hot climate and your dog is prone to heatstroke, then the perfect approach to tackle it is to prevent it. It is never a good idea to abandon your dog inside a locked vehicle. Instead, stay at home with your dog and make certain to give him/her a source of cool drinking water and shelter.

Regardless of the normal respiratory pattern your pet has, any sudden difference, including severe panting or licking, certainly demands a visit to the nearest veterinarian. If your pet begins panting unexpectedly or you suspect he is in discomfort, contact your veterinarian right away. Your dog may require emergency medical care if the tongue or gums are blue, purple, or white in color, which is a symptom that your dog is not receiving adequate oxygen.


In conclusion, you can never completely stop your pet from excessive panting and licking, but you can always attempt to prevent such situations from happening and try to avoid them in the future. Make sure that your dog is in a secure setting and help him to remain healthy and lead a stress-free life. To prevent any chronic conditions, be sure to schedule routine checks with your veterinarian, take essential measures, and also provide him with any necessary medications that he may require. The most essential thing is to always keep an eye on your dog and be prepared for emergencies.


  • Brad

    Hi I'm Brad, the founder of Having been a vet of 6 years I work alongside our team to provide valuable insight into your dog's health. I have a frenchie myself named Senzu who is my pride and joy!