Dog Crying at Night in The New House! What Should You Do?

Anxiety is a significant issue that new pets often face. Getting a new pet might be an exciting event for you and your family, but it is usually a terrifying experience for the new family member. Your new pet’s fear is understandable, though. He is in a new place with strange faces and new smells, and it is a lot to take in.

An anxious pet might show different signs like hiding and cowering, urinating, excess drooling, pacing, not eating, diarrhea, restlessness, howling, and crying. If your new dog is showing any of these signs, it’s okay. Your pet simply needs time to build trust, and your family must be patient enough to help your doggo get through this challenging time.

A common question from pet owners is, “Why is my dog crying at night in his new house?”. As a fellow pet owner, I know how heartbreaking it is to hear your pet’s cries and not know what to do. If you’d like tips on how to help your pet through these hard nights, keep reading!

Is It Normal for A Dog to Cry in A New House at Night?

Yes, it is normal for a dog in a new house to whimper and whine, especially at night. Crying is a form of vocalization in dogs, and the onus is on you to find out what your pet is trying to tell you. It is a common misconception among pet owners that dogs only cry when they are sad. This isn’t true, though, and your dog’s night wails may be because of other reasons.

A major reason why your pet would cry in its new home is that it is scared. Because dogs are pack animals, they often suffer separation anxiety in new environments, so your little guy might just be missing his former home. The nights are usually the hardest for our new friends because the loneliness and confusion really set in. It’s generally worse if this dog isn’t a fan of its crate.

Other than anxiety, your dog could be crying because it’s hungry or needs to go to the bathroom. If this is a new pet, chances are that you haven’t gotten to work out the proper schedule for it yet. Depending on the age of the dog, he might not be able to hold it in all through the night and is calling for your attention to avoid messing up the crate. 

How Do I Settle a Dog Into a New Home at Night?

Getting your canine to settle in a new home doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye. It takes time, and you must be willing to put in the effort to make things work between you and your new pet. I know the nights have been hard for you, your dog, and probably your neighbors. That’s why I have these pointers on how to reduce and eventually stop the night cries.

Since the most common reason for dogs crying at night is anxiety, your first line of action should be to reduce your dog’s fear of sleeping alone. Since he probably wants to sleep with you or at least near you, keep his crate in your room. Dog trainers advise that you should work on your canine having alone time in his crate during the day so that he gets accustomed to it- this is known as crate training.

It would help if you also worked on establishing a bedtime routine as soon as your pet gets to his new home. Once your dog has its evening meal, have some play time, then take him out to ease himself. If your dog is fed and goes to the bathroom at the right time, he’s less likely to wake you up for help. For younger dogs who need to go frequently, you might need puppy pads if you can’t take them out at night.

What if It’s a Rehomed/adopted Dog?

Separation anxiety in a new home is common with rehomed and adopted dogs. As mentioned before, crying at night is often a sign of anxiety. I know you can’t help but be worried that your adopted or rehomed dog is crying at night, but be rest assured, there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

When adopting a new pet, your first trip should be to the vet clinic. If your veterinarian has given your dog a clean bill of health, then you can rest assured that crying at night is an issue that can be solved with continuous training. Crate training, setting up the feeding and bathroom routines, and showering your pet with love will eventually reduce the night wails. You should also reach out to your dog’s previous caregivers and get his favorite toys to help him feel more comfortable.

You must let your rehomed pet come out of his shell at his own pace. If your dog is accustomed to sleeping with its previous owner on the bed, it might take a while for him to be crate trained. You have to be firm enough to ignore your dog when they cry because you may indirectly encourage this behavior. When your dog has found his feet in the home, he can stop using a crate at night.

My Dog Won’t Sleep in The New House

A new environment is a lot for your pooch to take in. In some dogs, adjusting to a new home comes with insomnia. This can be worrying for pet parents because you really don’t know what to do. Here are a few ways to deal with insomnia in your dog.

A common method for dealing with sleeplessness in dogs is to tire them out via exercise before bed. Burning off energy is a sure way to get your pet snoozing throughout the night. You can also set up the sleeping environment by dimming the lights, playing calm background music, sleeping close to your pet, and giving calming supplements.

If, after a few days, you realize that your furry buddy still hasn’t gotten some shut-eye, you should consider talking to your veterinarian. The wrong bed, skin problems, allergies, illness, or pain tend to keep dogs up. Remember, you are responsible for making sure that your pet is happy and healthy.


If your dog is crying at night in a new house, know that it gets better. It just takes the right training, patience, and love. Although the first few nights with your dog might be tumultuous, your new family member will eventually adjust, and the nights will be peaceful again.


  • Brad

    Hi I'm Brad, the founder of Having been a vet of 6 years I work alongside our team to provide valuable insight into your dog's health. I have a frenchie myself named Senzu who is my pride and joy!