Dog Ate a Mole? 3 Possible Outcomes

It is no secret that dogs love digging in the garden. But what happens if, during a digging session, your dog finds a mole and decides to eat it? Is eating moles harmful to dogs? 

Help, my dog ate a mole! A dog eating a mole is a potentially dangerous scenario. As rodents, moles can carry. Also, they can be poisoned with mole baits which are also toxic to dogs. Finally, they can simply cause severe digestive upset and make your dog sick. If your dog ate a mole, it is best advised to seek veterinary help. 

This article will talk about dogs eating moles during mischievous episodes. We will cover the potential scenarios and issues after a dog eats a mole. We will also give useful tips on what to do in case of an emergency and how to prevent your dog from eating moles in the future.  

Dog Ate a Mole

Can Dogs Get Sick from Eating a Mole?

Yes, dogs can get sick from eating a mole. However, it does not necessarily mean that every mole-eating scenario will have a negative outcome. Namely, it is possible for some dogs to eat moles and feel perfectly fine afterwards. However, other dogs may develop serious problems and become sick. 

Which scenario is more likely depends on several factors. Some are related to the mole and others with the dog. Mole-related factors include whether the mole was carrying a disease or consumed poison before being ingested by your dog. Dog-related factors usually refer to the dog’s ability to digest foreign materials. 

What Happens if My Dog Eats a Mole?

There are different possible outcomes in case a dog eats a mole. To help you better grasp the severity of the situation, we will review three possible scenarios. 

Scenario Number 1: Digestive Upset 

Dogs have unusual appetites which are not aligned with their stomachs’ sensitivity. Namely, contrary to popular belief, the dog’s stomach is easily irritable, and eating a mole can wreak havoc. 

A dog with digestive upset will vomit, have diarrhea or constipation, drool, lack appetite, and experience severe abdominal pain. If the vomiting and diarrhea are pronounced, it will soon become dehydrated. 

Some stomach upset episodes can be managed at home. However, you need to talk to the vet about what to give your pup and when. During the recovery period, we suggest using the Tiki Pets Tummy Topper made with stomach-soothing pumpkin puree. 

Scenario Number 2: Mole Baits and Intoxication

In case the mole has been poisoned, the dog is at risk of becoming intoxicated. Mole baits are extremely toxic to dogs and contain either zinc phosphide or bromethalin. 

Zinc phosphide causes cardiovascular issues, respiratory disorders, and neurological problems. As a neurotoxin, bromethalin triggers cerebral edema resulting in tremors, seizures, mental dullness, incoordination, and paralysis. 

Both toxins are dangerous because they lack antidotes. Therefore, the dog’s only chance of surviving the intoxication is aggressive treatment – vomiting induction, intravenous fluids, and supportive therapy. 

Scenario Number 3: Rabies 

Moles belong to the rodent family, meaning they could carry Rabies. Rabies is a fatal infectious disease that cannot be treated and progresses really quickly. The clinical signs of Rabies include throwing up white foam, behavioral changes, and paralysis. 

Luckily, the disease is relatively rare, especially in developed countries where regular vaccination is practiced. However, depending on where you live, Rabies can be an issue and is definitely worth mentioning. 

What Should I Do if My Dog Ate a Mole?

If your dog ate a mole, you need to quickly evaluate the situation and call your trusted veterinarian. Depending on the information you provide, the veterinarian will give instructions on what to do. 

Considering the potentially fatal outcomes, more often than not, you will be advised to go to the clinic for an in-person examination and provide prompt and adequate treatment. 

Whatever the vet recommends, it is imperative you stick to their guidelines. Never try to self-treat your dog at home. Some issues cannot be solved without a vet’s help, and many over-the-counter medications can be harmful if misused. 

How Can I Prevent My Dog from Eating a Mole? 

The best way of preventing your dog from eating moles is investing time and effort into proper training. Training is helpful in two ways. First, a well-trained dog is more likely to accept the no-digging rule, thus preventing a mole encounter. 

Second, if the dog happens to catch a mole, respecting the “leave it” command can go a long way. These training practices can be really helpful in many situations, not just when it comes to moles. 

Finally, if your dog is not properly trained or its digging instincts and prey drive are too strong, it would be best not to let it roam free in the garden. It is advisable to have your dog monitored at all times. 

How to Remove Moles from The Yard Safely? 

Using mole baits while parenting a dog or any other pet is a recipe for disaster. If there are mole baits scattered in the yard, the risk of accidental poisoning is very high. 

Therefore, you need a dog-friendly way of getting rid of moles in the yard. Luckily, the modern market offers a variety of mole traps. You can easily find them in garden and hardware stores. 

Alternatively, if you do not have the stomach to deal with traps and dead moles, it is best to contact a professional wildlife control service. Once you hire the service, they will take care of the problem for you. However, do not forget to let them know you have a pet. 

Summing Up: Dog Ate a Mole 

A dog eating a mole is a tricky situation – it can have serious consequences, or your dog may feel perfectly fine. The exact outcome depends on several factors and cannot be predicted. 

Therefore, if you catch your dog eating a mole, it is best advised to see your trusted veterinarian as soon as possible. In such cases, a prompt veterinary visit can be life-saving for your dog. 


  • Brad

    Hi I'm Brad, the founder of Having been a vet of 6 years I work alongside our team to provide valuable insight into your dog's health. I have a frenchie myself named Senzu who is my pride and joy!

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