From an owners’ point of view, dog periods are tricky and messy. However, this is because we often associate dogs’ heat cycles with human periods. And we are constantly thinking about options for helping our dogs. So, it is not uncommon for dog owners to wonder whether they can use tampons?
So, can you put a tampon in a dog? No, you must never put a tampon in a dog. The anatomy of the dog’s reproductive system is different than ours, and since tampons are designed for humans, it is easy to see the mismatch. Plus, no dog will be tolerant enough for a tampon, which leads to different problems.
In this article, we will talk about dogs and tampons. We will cover the reasons pet owners cannot use tampons on their female dogs in heat. Then, we will give helpful tips on how to help your dog during its period.

Do Female Dogs Have Periods?
Female dogs experience a reproductive cycle that includes a period of bleeding, which is often referred to as “heat” or “estrus.” During this period, female dogs undergo hormonal changes and release eggs, which can potentially lead to pregnancy if they mate with a male dog. This cycle typically occurs every 6 to 12 months, but the frequency can vary among individual dogs and breeds.
Unlike human periods, female dogs bleed for the sole purpose of reproduction. Because of the different functions and anatomy, it’s a key differentiating factor in why dogs can’t use tampons.
Can Dogs Wear Tampons?
No, dogs cannot and must not wear tampons. In theory, it is possible to put a tampon in a dog as tampons come in different sizes, and you can find a size that fits. However, putting a human tampon in a dog is a recipe for disaster. Namely, the tampon can do more harm than the bleeding itself. Plus, there are far safer and more efficient ways of dealing with the canine period.
Why Using Dog Tampons Is A Bad Idea
There are several possible scenarios, and none of them has a happy ending. If you were tempted to put a tampon in your dog, take a minute to consider the potential risks. Here are some possible scenarios following the use of tampons in dogs.
Dog Takes The Tampon Out
Okay, this is pretty much stating the obvious. Have you ever tried putting something on your dog? How long until the dog had it removed?
Well, the concept is the same with tampons. If you put a tampon in your dog, chances are the tampon will be removed in no time. This is actually the best-case scenario – the dog takes the tampon out and keeps dripping blood on the floor.
Tampon Gets Stuck
This is where things start being complicated. Namely, tampons are specifically made to absorb fluids and enlarge. If you accidentally put the tampon too deep or the dog pushes it further while attempting to remove the tampon, it can get stuck. This is actually an emergency – the tampon will have to be removed at the vet’s office using special forceps, and depending on the severity of the situation, the dog might have to be sedated.
Dog Eats Tapon
It is no secret that dogs are attracted to period blood (both of other dogs and women). Therefore, it is not unusual for the dog to eat the tampon after having it removed. Eating tampons is another emergency situation.
The risk of tampons causing gastrointestinal obstructions is high. Even the small string attached to the tampon can get stuck and cause issues. If your dog eats a tampon (used on not), you need to get professional help as things can go from bad to worse in no time.
Dog Chokes On Tampon
Dogs are voracious eaters willing to gulp down on just about anything – including tampons. If a dog removes its tampon and tries to eat it, the tampon can easily enter the wrong pipe and cause choking.
The cotton-like and fibery textures are not helpful – they are sticky and irritating. Choking is an emergency that requires immediate help. As a responsible pet owner, you need to be familiar with the Heimlich maneuver for dogs.
Are There Tampons Specifically For Dogs?
While there are a couple of dog tampon products on the market, we recommend staying away from them. Not only is there a large risk of damage or a potential choking hazard, dogs tend to only bleed lightly during heat.
In order to ensure they are not bleeding around the house, but also not in discomfort, we recommend looking into some dog or menstrual diapers that you can easily attach to your pup when in heat.
How To Manage Bleeding With A Dog In Heat
First, you need to understand that heat cycles and bleeding are normal phases in intact female dogs. Once you have come to terms with this, it is time to make a management strategy. Luckily, dog periods sound messier than they are. Here are some of the things you can do to help your dog in heat.
Keep the pet wipes on hand
Having a big package of dog-friendly wipes on hand is always a good idea. Dogs can be messy even when they are not in a cycle, and wipes are more than helpful. While most dogs will clean themselves of the blood, you can assist – use the wipes several times per day to help your dog stay clean. Wipes are all you need if you have a small dog that does not bleed much during periods.
Get high-quality doggy diapers
If you have larger dogs and the wipes are not doing the trick, you need to invest in dog diapers. Diapers are practical – they are efficient, safe, and easy to use. However, there is one caveat – some dogs dislike the idea of wearing diapers. Luckily, you can overcome this issue over time and use positive reinforcement techniques to make your dog more willing to accept diapers.
Use pads and blankets
As a backup plan, you can put pads or blankets over your dog’s favorite spots – the couch, the floor, inside the crate. This way, if the dog removes its diaper, there will be a layer of protection between the dog and the floor. The pads are disposed of when dirty, and the blanket can be washed and reused during the next period.
The final verdict on tampons for dogs is absolutely not. You must never put a tampon in your dog. Tampons will not work in dogs the same way they work in humans. Plus, they pose several other dangers.
In general, the risks of tampons outweigh the benefits. Plus, there are effective and much safer ways to deal with your dog’s blood drips during its cycle. If you have any questions about dog periods, do not hesitate to talk to your vet.