Dog owners are often conscious of the food that can be eaten safely by their dogs. It is common for them to search online about food that their pet can and cannot eat. Typically, search results show that chocolates and other food can upset a dog’s stomach. Finding information like this is also readily available with the amount of coverage that various social media platforms give for this topic.
As a fur parent with the knowledge about the food that dogs can eat, you might still wonder, can dogs eat cassava? Yes, cassava can be eaten by dogs. However, it requires moderation, so dogs can only eat small amounts of it. The large consumption of cassava can be harmful and dangerous to dogs as well as humans.
Having said that eating cassava needs moderation, there might be some additional questions that come to mind regarding this matter, such as: How to prepare cassava safely for dogs? What makes cassava harmful? What food is safe and bad for dogs? What happens when a dog eats too much cassava? What includes a balanced diet?
All things considered, below are the things that are relevant to the topic.

What’s Inside the Cassava?
Cassava is a root crop that can be a main source of calories and carbohydrates; however,it is also a poor source of protein. Nutrients such as vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are also included in cassava. On the other hand, raw cassava contains calcium, phosphorus, and starch.Â
Feeding dogs cassava should be as infrequent as feeding dogs cashews, cheese, salt, and almonds since these foods can cause different health problems when consumed too much. Dog owners need to consider having knowledge of components included in the food they feed to their dogs.
How Many Calories Should a Dog Consume in a Day?
Many dog owners might wonder how many calories a dog should ingest in a day. Calorie consumption depends on the weight of the dog; for a 10-pound dog, it should consume 200 to 275 calories per day, and for a 20-pound dog, it can consume 325 to 400 calories per day.
How Much Carbohydrates Should a Dog Consume in a Day?
There is a standard that dogs with high energy should be fed at least twenty percent of carbohydrates daily.
Balanced Diet For Dogs
Nowadays, dog owners stay informed about the appropriate daily diet for their dogs to avoid illnesses. Normally, a dog’s meal should have protein from an animal, vegetables, and some carbohydrates. However, there are some owners that like to involve raw meat in their dog’s meal. Nevertheless, this depends as there are some dogs that are not suitable for certain diets that dogs of other breeds need.
Here Are Some Ways of Safe Preparation of Cassava
Are there some ways to prevent improper preparation of cassava? Absolutely! There are numerous ways to process cassava properly. The cover of cassava contains many cyanogenic glycosides that can cause cyanide poisoning.
To avoid this situation, the skin of the cassava should be completely removed. Also, soaking the cassava in water for 12 to 24 hours can be a great help in removing the cyanide. Alternatively, cooking it properly by boiling or roasting also helps in reducing the cyanide, while combining it with some high source of protein contributes to getting rid of the cyanide compound.
What to Do if Cyanide Poisoning Happens?
There are effective treatments for cyanide poisoning, such as amyl nitrate and sodium nitrate. However, the most important solution as a good owner would be to consult a vet. Experts are more knowledgeable about treating illnesses, so pet owners should resort to this as soon as problems occur with your pets. Conversely, neglecting the situation or ignorantly treating your dog during these cases may worsen the situation. Always trust animal experts in these circumstances.
What Makes Cassava Harmful?

Is raw cassava harmful? Similar to other foods that are not correctly prepared, raw cassava is dangerous to ingest. Based on the nutritional profile of raw cassava, it contains cyanide glycosides that are toxic when ingested. Inappropriate preparation of cassava and eating it raw may harm dogs and even humans. Hence. consuming large amounts of improperly prepared cassava increases the risk of getting serious health problems.
Cyanide Glycosides
Is cyanide glycosides toxic to a dog’s body? Cyanide glycosides are natural plant toxins that are present in various kinds of plants that are commonly consumed by humans. This element is present in cassava, which if intentionally or unintentionally consumed, may lead to acute intoxications. However, processing the cassava properly reduces the risk of cyanide poisoning. This substance makes cassava complicated to process, as it needs to be separated from the cassava in order to make it safer to eat.
What Happens When a Dog Eats Too Much Cassava?
When a dog eats too much cassava, what are the possible situations that could happen? Generally, when a dog eats a small amount of cassava the owners have nothing to worry about. However, when a dog eats this food excessively, it may result in mild vomiting and diarrhea.
Can Eating Cassava Kill Dogs?
This is quite a stressful question, especially to those who are extremely worried about their dog’s safety. This is due to numerous foods that are highly poisonous to dogs. For example, things that contain xylitol, like sweetened candy, chewing gum, toothpaste, and more, are very dangerous for dogs, as the ingredient is considered poisonous to them. Ingesting too much of this can in fact cause death.
Fortunately, this substance is not included in cassava. In small amounts of consumption, cassava won’t kill dogs. However, when dogs consume large amounts of wrongly prepared cassava, harm can befall them; oftentimes, illnesses can be acquired, which can trigger severe health complications.
Safe and Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Many dog owners might encounter struggles about what their dogs should not eat. Some of them are also looking for foods that are safe for their dogs to eat. Here are some of the options that you can do to make your dogs healthier.
Dangerous Foods That Dogs Should Never Eat
Below are some of the foods that should never be fed to dogs.
- Bones. Dogs surely love to eat bones but some people fail to understand that these are hazardous when cooked as their texture becomes sharp. Usually cooked bones possess sharp edges that can be stuck in the teeth or even in the throat.
- Coffee. This is safe for humans, but for dogs, it is not the same as it contains caffeine that can incur chronic conditions.
- Alcohol. Considering the fact that some fur parents will never allow their dogs to consume alcohol, there are still some of them who experiment. Alcohol swallowed by dogs can cause injury, sickness, urination, and disorientation.
- Avocado. Avocado may be an example of healthy food for humans but it contains a toxin called persin that is considered potentially poisonous to dogs. Its flesh can trigger gastrointestinal upset and pancreatitis in dogs if they eat excessive amounts.
Foods That Are Safe For Dogs to Ingest
Here are some of the options of healthy food for dogs.
- Chicken. Seasoned chicken is safe for humans, but not for dogs. However, boiled chicken without seasoning is allowed. It is also a good source of protein and can be a good food option for dogs with an upset stomach.
- Cucumbers. Small cuts of cucumbers to avoid choking are safe for dogs to consume. It can also be a good food option for dogs who are overweight. Cucumbers contain many kinds of vitamins that can perfectly contribute health benefits to overweight dogs.
- Watermelons. Watermelon is a nutritious food for dogs and humans, it contains various nutrients including vitamins A, C, B6, and water that helps the dogs stay hydrated.
- Pineapples. Fresh pineapples are considered a healthy snack for dogs since they possess various vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It contains hydration properties that may help the dog’s hydration.
If humans can’t eat cassava every day, so can’t dogs. Excessive consumption of cassava is actually harmful to humans, and similarly, it can be more harmful to dogs. Although dogs can consume cassava, excessive amounts can cause health problems. Instead of this, you can opt for other healthier options to feed your dog.
Cassava, when eaten by a dog in excess, can incur diarrhea and mild vomiting. This is especially more likely when the cassava is not prepared well. Hence, when feeding your dog small amounts of the food, ensure that the proper preparation procedure is followed. Nevertheless, even if prepared properly, cassava should never be fed to your dog too much.
However, as a dog owner, you can opt for safer and healthier options. By avoiding potentially dangerous food, you risk no health complications for your dog. Hence, it would be better to research healthy snacks that your dog can consume. Even so, feeding your dog anything should be done in moderation.