The Bulldog breed can be traced as far back as the 1500s. They descended from the Mastiff lineage and since then have birthed into other breeds. Two of such breeds are the English Bulldog and the Australian Bulldog. Both canines sport a flat-nosed appearance as well as a muscular body. To help you identify which is which, we came up with this Australian Bulldog vs English Bulldog comparison. Read on to know more about these canines!
Background of the Australian Bulldog
The Australian Bulldog hails from the country of the same name. However, they aren’t recognized as an official breed yet by the American Kennel Club. Nevertheless, the Aussie Bulldog is being listed in the American Pet Registry and the Dog Registry of America.
Moreover, Aussie Bulldogs are close relatives of British Bulldogs, also known as the English Bulldog. They share the same physique, though small differences set Aussie Bulldog apart from their cousin breed.
Unlike English Bulldog, the Aussie counterpart is new in the canine kingdom. The development of this breed only started in the 1990s, though they aren’t that rare.
The first Australian Bulldog ever recorded was bred by Pip Nobes, a breeder from Queensland, Australia. Nobes produced the first Aussie Bulldog by crossing an English Bulldog with an Australian Pig Hunting Dog. The latter is a product of multiple bull terriers.
Background of the English Bulldog
The English Bulldog, or Bulldog for short, came from England. Unlike Australian Bulldogs, the English canines have a bloody past as part of the barbaric bullbaiting sport. They were produced from the bloodlines of fighting mastiffs for the purpose of pitting against bulls.
Such a past is also why English Bulldogs have a short height, muscular bodies, and broad heads. Unfortunately, the breeding process also left them with a slew of health problems, some of which are also evident in the Australian Bulldog breed.
Despite the dark past of English Bulldogs, they are now fully domesticated and well-mannered canines. Responsible breeding allowed English Bulldogs to overturn their vicious stereotype.
Right now, English Bulldogs is the American Kennel Club’s 5th most popular dog breed of 2020. They join the ranks of Labrador Retriever French Bulldog, German Shepherd, and Golden Retriever.
Australian Bulldog vs English Bulldog Comparison
🐶Size and weight
One of the biggest differences between an Aussie and an English Bulldog is their size.
Aussie Bulldogs are slightly bigger than their English cousins. On average, an Australian Bulldog can weigh around 50 to 55 lbs., while a standard English Bulldog is only 40 to 50 lbs.
Aside from that, Aussie Bulldogs are taller, with some reaching up to 17 inches in height. This is compared to English Bulldogs, who only have a maximum height of 15 inches. The taller height of Aussie Bulldogs is highly attributed to their Australian Pig Hunting genes.
Also, one thing that sets them apart from their English counterparts is their eyes. Aussie Bulldogs have more alert-looking peepers, which is also a trait they got from their pig hunting parents.
In terms of lifespan, Australian Bulldogs are said to live longer than English Bulldogs. They can stretch their lifespan for up to 15 years, which is slightly shorter than English Bulldogs’ 12 years.
Nevertheless, both dogs’ lifespan is highly dependent on many factors. There are cases when English Bulldogs live longer than Aussie Bulldogs. Diet, lifestyle, vet care, and breeding are critical aspects in determining your dog’s lifespan.
🐶Temperament and behavior
When it comes to temperament, the Aussie and English Bulldogs have very little difference. Both are affectionate and friendly canines that make excellent family pets.
Like its English cousin, Aussie Bulldogs are even-tempered and made as companion dogs. However, you should know that this breed also craves a lot of attention. They will get bored and anxious easily if you leave them alone.
Moreover, the Australian Bulldog bears the same stubborn personality as their English Bulldog side. They will try to test your patience and become whiny if you don’t let them get their way.
With this attitude, Australian Bulldogs are best suited for households with round-the-clock companions. Remember that, like their English Bulldog lineage, Aussie Bulldogs always need an alpha to keep them protected.
Despite their dependent personality, Aussie Bulldogs can also become protective, especially with children. With proper raising, Australian Bulldogs will be loyal and disciplined canines.
Also, Australian Bulldogs have a higher prey drive due to their hunting dog lineage. They will bark to warn off strangers and can become good watchdogs with proper training.
In terms of the tendency to bark, both these breeds will become noisy when left alone for long periods. Lack of training will also make the howling and vocalization much worse.
🐶Overall health
While they are mixed with another breed, Australian Bulldogs are predominantly flat-nosed canines. This means that they still have a big share of English Bulldogs’ predisposition to various health problems. The following are some of them:
- Cherry eye. Due to their facial anatomy, both Aussie and English Bulldogs are at risk of cherry eye. This condition happens when the third eyelid bulges out. When not corrected, this will be painful and a risk factor for various infections.
- Brachycephalic syndrome. Australian and English Bulldogs are prone to the brachycephalic syndrome. This condition occurs when the dog’s airways become obstructed. It will lead to severe breathing difficulties and even death if not treated right away. This is more dangerous during summer as Bulldog breeds find it hard to regulate their body temperature.
- Dry eye. Scientifically known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dry eye is a common problem among all Bulldog breeds. The Aussie and English breeds are no exemptions to this problem.
- Dysplasia. Both Aussie and English Bulldogs are prone to dysplasia. This can occur on their elbows and hips. This condition is usually genetic and can be treated, depending on the extent of the deformity.
- Reverse sneezing. Reverse sneezing is very common among flat-nosed breeds. This happens when fluids drip down the soft palate of Bulldogs. This will make Aussie and English Bulldogs reverse sneeze or hack. Overall, this is a harmless condition as long as it’s not happening too often.
Overall, proper breeding and regular vet checks will help reduce these predispositions. Also, not all Aussie or English Bulldogs are bound to suffer from these health problems.
🐶Energy level
Australian and English Bulldogs are both mild-mannered dogs. They love playing with their owners, but their energy levels aren’t very intense.
Overall, both these breeds are like gym bunnies. They love a short workout, but they don’t like missing naps either.
With Aussie and English Bulldogs, short walks and indoor playtimes are enough to keep them happy. This energy level also makes them a friendly choice for children.
Also, it’s not advisable to subject these breeds to intense physical exertion. Their flat faces and short airways make them prone to overheating.
Due to their laidback nature, both these breeds can thrive in apartment living. They don’t need a large yard to stay happy, but you still have to keep these canines active to prevent obesity.
However, you should remember that Aussie and English Bulldogs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. You should keep them indoors during summer as intense heat can trigger the brachycephalic syndrome.
🐶Grooming needs
Both the Australian and English Bulldog are short-haired, but it doesn’t mean that they are the easiest to groom. Overall, these breeds require moderate to moderately high grooming needs.
This is because the skin folds of Bulldogs harbor dirt and bacterial growth. If not groomed properly, it can develop into a full-fledged skin infection.
Aside from their skin folds, Bulldogs are prone to ear infections. This is due to their flappy ears that can trap a great deal of dirt.
🐶Intelligence level
When it comes to intelligence level, both the Australian and English Bulldog are at the moderate level. They aren’t Golden Retriever-smart, but they aren’t the dumbest canines either.
These Bulldogs are smart dogs, but their stubborn personality often gets in the way of training. Patience, consistency, and time are necessary if you want your Bulldog to learn a trick or two.
Since Australian and English Bulldogs love napping, you have to use food as motivation for training. Just watch out over the serving as these two dogs are at high risk of obesity.
Since there aren’t many breeders of Australian Bulldogs, they tend to be more expensive than English Bulldogs.
Based on our research, an Australian Bulldog puppy can set you back for an average of US$3,000. Other breeders would stretch the price tag to US$4,000.
This is higher than the average cost of English Bulldogs, which is around $2,000 to $2,500. While there are expensive English Bulldog puppies, it’s easy to find a legitimate breeder that won’t charge you an exorbitant amount.
In terms of suitability, we can say that Aussie and English Bulldogs will thrive among first-time dog owners. Specifically, they are great for families who want a companion dog. Just remember that these breeds demand a lot of attention. If your family is often away from home, these breeds may not be the wisest choice.
Like any dog, English and Australian Bulldogs need owners who can train them to become disciplined canines. Also, they are best for families who can afford regular vet care because these breeds have a fair share of health problems.
To help you choose between these two breeds, you should answer these questions:
- How much space do you have? Australian Bulldogs are slightly bigger than their English cousin, so that they will occupy more floor space in your home.
- Do you want a watchdog? Between the two breeds, Australian Bulldogs are the better watchdogs. However, don’t expect them to be guard dogs, as these canines are unlikely to go after an intruder. They can easily get tricked by a yummy treat.
- How much is your budget? When it comes to the upfront cost, Australian Bulldogs are more expensive. But in terms of ongoing costs, both these breeds are in moderate to moderately high range.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are Aussie Bulldogs aggressive?
A: Australian Bulldogs are far from aggressive. Like their English counterpart, Aussie Bulldogs are laidback, friendly, and well-mannered canines. Still, responsible breeding and proper training are necessary to make this temperament possible.
Q: Do Australian Bulldogs smell?
A: Australian Bulldogs don’t usually smell, but irritations may trigger a foul odor since they are prone to sensitive skin. It’s important to observe proper grooming and regular vet visits to prevent this problem.
Q: Do Australian Bulldogs shed?
A: Aussie Bulldogs have a short coat, but they still do shed. Overall, both Australian and English Bulldogs are mild to moderate shedders. However, depending on the breeding process, some Aussie Bulldogs may turn out to be moderately high shedders.
Q: Can Aussie Bulldogs be left alone?
A: Like English Bulldog, Aussie Bulldogs are prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods. It’s best to keep this breed with a companion canine or pet sitter. If not, Aussie Bulldogs may become destructive and noisy dogs.
Q: Are Australian Bulldogs easy to train?
A: Australian Bulldogs are moderately easy to train. However, you should know that they aren’t the smartest bunch. Therefore, patience and dedication are necessary if you want this breed to respond positively to training.
Q: Is Australian Bulldog the healthiest type of Bulldog?
A: Unfortunately, Australian Bulldogs aren’t considered the healthiest type of Bulldog. They still have a big share of health problems, just like their English cousins. But to ensure that you’ll get a healthy puppy, you should only deal with a legitimate breeder.
Final words
Both the Aussie and English Bulldog are suitable family pets. Although they have an overlapping lineage, these two breeds have major differences. Aussie Bulldogs are slightly bigger and have a higher tendency to be protective. But with proper training and socialization, these two canines will be disciplined and safe pets for your family.
Have you ever seen an Aussie Bulldog before? Share your experience below!
How much dry food should we feed our newly adopted Australian Bulldog who is 4 years old?
Thank you 😊
It can depend on how much they weigh so I would recommend asking your vet. However, it’s usually 2-3 cups a day!